Thursday, October 27, 2016

The role of women in "Things Fall Apart"

   Women in Things Fall Apart and in Igbo/Ibo culture are definitely not the dominant sex. Most people seem to see their role as subservient, and tend to get a little angry about it. While women in this culture are not seen as important as men (at least so far in the novel), this is not necessarily the case.

   Some of the jobs that women were assigned are growing crops, although these are considered "women's crops"; "they grew women's crops, like coco-yams, beans and cassava" (22-23). They are called this because yams are considered to be the "kings of crops", and thus a man's crop. While the yam may be important among Igbo/Ibo culture, crops like cassava are a "major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people". Without these "women's crops", the clan would soon die out. In the novel, the person chosen to represent their one of their most important godesses, the oracle Agbala, is a woman named Chielo. One interesting thing to point out is that the definition of agbala is woman or a man without title. It seems curious to me that they decided to name one of their most important deities this.

   Although women in this culture may be mistreated, they are also honored, which we must not forget when complaining about another people's culture. Women in the novel must not be so mistreated or undervalued as some may think if they are the one's chosen to grow their main food supply as well as representing their gods.

"Cassava." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts here, Nikolas. You give a unique perspective; It is great to see how women are honored:"...their most important goddesses, the oracle Agbala, is a woman named Chielo." I wonder the connection between the terms "agbala" and "Agbala"?
